Why Choose Carol Ann Cardella To List Your Property Over Other Brokers?
“I’m willing to do whatever it takes to sell your property. I go the extra mile, knowing others will not.”
- Real Estate in the Rockies, LLC has no limitations on if or how often I can run an ad because we are in control of advertising and promoting every listing. It’s our choice and the Seller’s choice. No excuses. Real Estate in the Rockies, LLC is investing money in marketing your property.
We quickly become as motivated to sell your property as you are.
- We strongly believe in “Open House”. I hold an open house 3 or more hours at a time, two or more times a month until the property sells. (Exceptions: inclement weather, December and holidays.)
- Real Estate in the Rockies, LLC doesn’t have or want “Teams”. I stand personally accountable for marketing, selling, and closing on your property. We have qualified personnel who assist with special marketing events at your property, but you will always communicate directly with me, your Listing Broker. I remain very accessible to you, to interested prospects and cooperating agents. Because of my strong commitment to each property, I am limited on the number of listings I can handle at a time. Your property becomes my priority. I concentrate on my quality of service, not quantity of listings.

I focus on fewer listings at a time to ensure results & referrals.
- “Open House” is supported with advance ads, flyers and extensive internet support on all the major websites. We don’t put out a few signs, we put out as many as we are able within the constraints of the municipal jurisdiction.
Selling your property sooner rather than later benefits both of us.
- Having begun my career in an ad agency that specialized in real estate, my quality of ads, flyers, and photographic support is exceptional. I believe in the power of advertising.
Real Estate in the Rockies, LLC will do all we can to market your property, not as little as we can get away with.
- Advertising and promotional material for your property will feature photos of your property, not photos of myself.
I’m dedicated to marketing what you want to sell.
- I’m a qualified stager and merchandiser who knows how to enhance a property’s appearance for better acceptance in the eyes of today’s consumer and to achieve the highest price possible. I am candid and generous in sharing my knowledge. I’ll help you to display your property to its greatest advantage..
Real Estate in the Rockies, LLC has an inventory of quality accessories to stage vacant inventory or to augment Seller’s furnishings, at no additional fee.
Each week my Sellers will receive a written report detailing consumer feedback, news and progress.
Because of my design and construction background, I can advise Sellers on the best property improvements to meet their objectives. I can even manage repairs and updates for Sellers who want to maximize their selling price but are not in a position to manage the process for themselves. The Seller approves the budget/bids and pays the
contractors. -
Real Estate in the Rockies, LLC and Carol Ann Cardella are members of the Denver Metro Board of Realtors. Real Estate in the Rockies, LLC has been an active member since November 2011. Carol Ann Cardella has been an active member in this trade association since December 2009. As a Realtor, we proudly abide by the strict standards, practices and ethics imposed by the Board of Realtors.
Not every broker nor every agent is a Realtor.
Carol Ann Cardella - a Profile
Carol Ann was born in Suburban Philadelphia, Pennsylvania as a second-generation Italian and schooled there in liberal arts. Her father was a Master Chef, restauranteur, and seafood purveyor and broker. This is where and how Carol Ann became instilled, as a child, with her love of food preparation, in a family of chefs and fine restaurant owners and operators.
Later, Carol Ann moved to up-State Rochester, New York where her first son was born, and then 2 years later moved on to Cincinnati, Ohio where her second son was born. And there, while she raised her family, earning her reputation as an “Italian Mama”, she first became acquainted with the real estate development industry. Carol Ann obtained her real estate license and practiced in Cincinnati, Ohio while studying for her GRI at Ohio State in Columbus.
But in a few years, despite some success, it became apparent this was not the time to practice real estate brokerage because Carol Ann’s interests in business development, together with the application of her gifts in the arts, tugged at her, commanding her enthusiasm and growth.
Carol Ann’s first career began in the role of an advertising agency’s account executive and eventually as a consultant specializing in multi-family and single-family builders and developers operating nationally, but primarily in the Midwest, South, and Southeast.
Almost 30 years later, on the East Coast of Florida and in Southern Ohio, Carol Ann was developing large scale mixed-use Planned Unit Developments as President and CEO of a large development organization, a former consulting client of many years.
During this period, one of Carol Ann’s sons moved to Denver, Colorado and began a family. Exhausted and entertaining early retirement, the “East Coast Italian Mama” couldn’t resist buying a second home in Summit County, Colorado. After a few years, the second home became the primary home where Carol Ann was experiencing a renewal engaged in developing small scale projects in Frisco until the Great Recession.
This event forced her to relocate down to Jefferson County at the close of 2009 where she started her second career, finally practicing as a real estate broker, this time in Colorado. An entrepreneur at heart and a manager by experience, Carol Ann launched Real Estate in the Rockies, LLC at the close of 2011. The intention was to create a boutique real estate brokerage focused on empty-nesters and no-nesters, but not exclusively. She is, after all, innately an “Italian Mama” who gravitates to family and has been known to cook for her clients, adopted as extended family.
Carol Ann is in Denver Metro because her family is here. That’s what has brought and will continue to bring so many empty nesters to Colorado — FAMILY. And forever conversations about her family’s exciting Colorado adventures.